Monday 28 April 2014

We know what we are, but not what we may be

As you know, I've been doing a lot of dressmaking recently.  This has been great fun, caused massive envy and wonder in my friends and has opened up a new world of the INTERNET SEWIST, all of which have added joy to my life; but I have also been measuring myself.  Now I know I'm not thin.  I'm not, unless I am at Ally Pally for a knitting event, particularly slim.  I have generous hips and a bust, and even my waist, the narrowest part of me, isn't especially narrow.  The amount of fabric I have to use is excessive, and in a desperate attempt to reduce expenditure, I've started running.

Obviously, I've got an app - "Get Running", which allows me to use my own music; lots of puffing around West Ealing to bad 1980s pop.  I've just started week 2 of the couch to 5k programme, and it's been interesting in many ways.  I'm not a natural runner; and I really can't say that I enjoy myself, but I feel a billion dollars afterwards.  Arrogant as ever, I decided yesterday that I can run for a minute and a half, so I've added 30 seconds to that in order to progress faster.  Of course my teacher doesn't know best; something I've always known.

I haven't remeasured myself recently; I think I will wait until week 4 for that particular treat, but I feel better for doing some exercise.  As a primary school teacher, I'm on my feet pretty much all afternoon, but this is different.  I'm much more aware of the way I'm moving in space, and where I am in relation to the rest of the world.  Also, I'm neither red faced nor panting at the end, and that can only be a good thing.  I've agreed to sign up for a Race for Life in Windsor, and I'm determined to run the whole bloody way.  It's in June and about 2 weeks before the end of the course, so I'm really going to have to put some effort in.  It's 5k, and so far I can manage to walk and run 2 and a half, so not much more to do surely?  Surely? 

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